Field Station Martin’s Eye, Iceland, for The IK Foundation

JeffNews, Updates & General Information, Uncategorised

In September 2022, The IK Foundation, The University of Iceland, and The Embassy of Sweden in Iceland collaborated to establish an autonomous research station, The Field Station | Naturae Observatio | Solander’s Eye, on Breiðamerkursandur, specifically on Jökulnes. Aetherweb provided technical support, software development, and implementation consultancy services for the station’s inception and has continued to support it remotely since. … Read More


JeffNews, Updates & General Information, Uncategorised

Aetherweb worked for The IK Foundation, The University of Iceland and The Embassy of Sweden in Iceland to establish an autonomous research station, The Field Station | Naturae Observatio | Solander’s Eye, on Breiðamerkursandur, more specifically on Jökulnes. The Field Station provides the opportunity to monitor the landscape biosphere, wildlife, weather, vegetation, atmosphere and more; without human intervention in a … Read More

Expedition to Svalbard with The IK Foundation

JeffNews, Updates & General Information

In May 2019 I was extremely privileged and proud to be able to travel to Svalbard, Norway as part of a team put together by The IK Foundation – one of Aetherweb’s oldest clients – to design, configure and install a state of the art remote weather and wildlife monitoring station. The station is (at time of writing) taking 100s … Read More


JeffNews, Updates & General Information, Website

A few days ago I launched Aetherweb’s latest project live on the web, aeKee. A secure vault, password generator and sharer I developed because of my dissatisfaction with other commercial options available. I’d used LastPass up until early this year when I was made aware of their incompetence – technical and customer service. Google had identified, very very easily, gaping … Read More

Welcome to Aetherweb’s Blog!

JeffNews, Updates & General Information

I’ve been meaning to start a blog for Aetherweb for some time – and I’ve finally got round to doing it. I think it will be useful for me as a reference, but also for other people who are working on the same things as I am, and who are searching the web for an answer to a problem I’ve … Read More