CouchCMS Shortcode for Automatic Image Resizing In RichText

JeffTechnical Articles & Notes

I have a client that wants to use CouchCMS (an open source content management system) to add content to their website. The content varies, and the pages contain many images of different sizes – the originals of which are often very large. Manually resizing these images to create appropriately sized thumbnail and larger versions would be a very onerous task.

CouchCMS has built in functionality to automatically resize images – but not for images uploaded and inserted directly in a ‘richtext’ element – which is essential for this project as no two pages are the same and hence they cannot be fully controlled by a pre-formatted template. The solution is to make use of the fact that Couch ‘tags’ can be used within shortcodes.

Here’s the code I wrote to perform this, creating a shortcode that can be sent with or without parameters, that automatically resizes images only as required.

How to use it:

[autoim width="" caption="" url=""][/autoim]

The code:

 1 <?php
 3 $FUNCS->register_shortcode( 'autoim', 'autoim_handler' );
 5 function autoim_handler( $params, $content=null ){
 6     global $FUNCS;
 8     $para = $FUNCS->get_named_vars(array(
 9            'width'  => '',
10            'caption' => '',
11            'url' => ''), $params);
13     if (strlen($para['url']) == 0)
14     {
15         // perhaps they sent the url in the content as an image
16         // <img alt="" src="" style="width: 100px; height: 127px;" /> 
17         if (preg_match("/\<img.+src=\"(.+?\.)(jpg|png|tif|tiff|jpeg)\"/i", $content, $matches))
18         {
19             $para['url'] = $matches[1] . $matches[2];
20         }
21     }
23     if (strlen($para['caption']) == 0)
24     {
25         if (preg_match("|\<img.+alt=\"(.+?)\"|i", $content, $matches))
26         {
27             $para['caption'] = $matches[1];
28         }
29     }
31     if (strlen($para['width'] == 0))
32     {
33         if (preg_match("|\<img.+style=\"\s*width:\s*(\d+?)px;|i", $content, $matches))
34         {
35             $para['width'] = $matches[1];
36         }
37         else
38         {
39             return $content;
40         }
41     }
43     // Create a 'thumbnail' also for the large version IF the uploaded
44     // file is over a certain size
45     $maxsize = 1280; $fullsize = $para['url'];
46     list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($para['url']);
47     if (($width > $maxsize) or ($height > $maxsize))
48     {
49         $fullsize = "<cms:thumbnail src='".$para['url']."' width='$maxsize' height='$maxsize' enforce_max='1' />";
50     }
52     $html = "<div style='width:".$para['width']."px; margin:0 auto;'><a href='$fullsize?123' class='fbx' rel='itex' title=\"".$para['caption']."\"><img src='<cms:thumbnail src='".$para['url']."' width='".intval(2*$para['width'])."' />' style='width:".$para['width']."px; height: auto;' alt=\"".$para['caption']."\"></a>".$para['caption']."</div>";
54     // Pass on the code to Couch for execution using the 'embed' function
55     return $FUNCS->embed( $html, $is_code=1 );
56 }