Field Station Martin’s Eye, Iceland, for The IK Foundation

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In September 2022, The IK Foundation, The University of Iceland, and The Embassy of Sweden in Iceland collaborated to establish an autonomous research station, The Field Station | Naturae Observatio | Solander’s Eye, on Breiðamerkursandur, specifically on Jökulnes.

Aetherweb provided technical support, software development, and implementation consultancy services for the station’s inception and has continued to support it remotely since.

In 2023, Aetherweb joined a service team of five people in total to visit, refuel, and service the station. The station operates near silently on methanol, producing only water and a minuscule amount of CO2 as exhaust.

In July 2024, Aetherweb was tasked with undertaking the annual refuel and service alone with a team of two. This was successfully achieved in three separate visits to the station over four days, marking the smallest team ever to perform a full service on an IK Foundation field station.

The station’s live information page can be viewed here…

Aetherweb is extremely proud to be involved in such an excellent project.